Latest Contest
Our new contest, the Creative Spark 2024 Video Contest, is open! As you create your shot lists, write your scripts, and practice your scenes, know that you have the ability to impact the lives of others through the way you explain an idea. And we cannot wait to watch what you come up with. The early deadline is November 8 and the regular deadline is December 6, so there's time for those plans come to fruition.
Looking for inspiration? Trying to find others who have already done this? Searching for a perfect video to guide you through this process? All the finalists and contest winners that have been selected over the years are waiting for you. Watch a few today while you think of your next video!
Next Vista Inspiring Video
How might you use a hobby to improve the lives of others?
The NVIV (Next Vista Inspiring Video) series of posts are written by Rushton Hurley and designed to provide students and teachers with fascinating discussion prompts. For more information about how to use the variety of materials on our free site, feel free to contact us.
English Language Project
We have over 600 short videos designed to help those learning English, organized into sets that you might be able to use right away in order to learn or teach about a particular topic - job terms, days of the week, names for tools, those kinds of things. This could be a nice resource to push learning something new or to augment something you are already doing! Take a look at our EL Project page for the full collection.
And you can help us grow this collection of videos, either by making videos of your own to add to our library or by a financial donation to help our video-creation efforts. If you have ideas for sets of videos, or even just a video or two, reach out and let's talk about it! We're always happy to connect with others who are interested in the kinds of things we do.
Improve The World
Got an idea that could make the world better? Wouldn't it be cool if there were people out there who might take your idea and improve their community?
Introducing Improve The World! Our Improve The World project pages have all the details to help you learn how to share your innovative way to make things better with us and others. Your ideas can make a difference, and there are people ready to put the great ideas you share in motion.