Guidance for Switching to Online Learning: Webinars
Sometimes it's useful to hear someone with experience as a teacher, a principal, and a school improvement specialist share ideas on challenging topics. Though the guidance webinars are not posted regularly, you can set one in motion by requesting one via the Next Vista Contact page.
Your School, Post-COVID
In this half-hour webinar, Rushton shares ideas on how to prepare a school and its teams for what schooling can and should look like once past the pandemic.
What You Say, What They Hear
For the 2020 Emergency Home Learning Summit, Dr Steve McGriff and I did a session called "What You Say, What They Hear." The idea is to recognize why students you teach or adults you coach may do the exact opposite of something you instruct. Hint: they're acting logically based on prior experience.
You Can Be A Much Better Teacher (Even If You're a Parent)
Winston Churchill once said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." As wrenching as the pandemic has been for parents and teachers, it also represents an invaluable moment for us to see ourselves in a new light. We'll look at practical and systemic ways that what we do now can engage and even inspire students.
Zoom's Breakout Rooms
In this half-hour webinar, Rushton focuses in on how (and why) to use breakout rooms as part of one's online instruction. Got questions? Feel free to let us know.
Preparing for Next School Year: Guidance for Teachers and School Leaders
In this half-hour webinar, Rushton provides a simplified framework for looking at plans for the fall, along with the urgency of starting preparation now. Feel free to click below for the June 3rd, 2020, recording, or go here for the slides, or to this doc for all the resources mentioned in the recording (this includes the ASIJ documents and articles discussed).
Online Learning Advice for Middle School Parents
Rushton and Tatiana LaGarde provide ideas, directions, and resources for parents of middle schoolers about working with the school, helping the child prepare for the fall, and what might engage a tween in learning at home. Feel free to click below for the May 23rd, 2020, recording, or go here for the slides, where you'll find links to all the resources they mention.
The Home-Learning Journey: Advice for Parents & Grandparents
Rushton and Tatiana LaGarde share thoughts with and answer questions from parents of elementary students working to help their children with online learning. Feel free to send your own question for the next episode (date to be announced). Click below for the May 9th recording, or here for the slides, and here for the links from the chat.
Guidance for Switching to Online Learning
On March 11th and 13th, Next Vista presented the webinar below to help schools considering closing and switching to online learning. If you have questions about the content in the recording, you are welcome to contact us. The slides for this webinar are available here.