Capturing Plastic
Two years ago, we featured a story about The Ocean Cleanup, an effort started by a teenager named Boyan Slat with the goal of ridding the world’s oceans of plastic.
Anything that bold is going to run into challenges, and over the ten years since he founded the nonprofit company, he’s had and overcome several.
In this video, you’ll see two minutes of footage about the work of one of its newer systems. As you watch it, what challenges do you imagine they face with their goal?
Imagining challenges and how to overcome them is one of the first steps in recognizing that you have the power to make a difference in the lives of others, if you choose to act on that power.
In addition to what you learned from watching this video, and perhaps doing some research about Slat and his work, think about people you know who have overcome challenges to address a problem.
Is there a challenge in your community that no one seems to have figured out how to deal with? Could you and some friends brainstorm new possibilities?
2 Minutes of Ocean Cleaning Operations Footage from The Ocean Cleanup on YouTube (2:00)
The NVIV (Next Vista Inspiring Videos) series of posts is written by Rushton Hurley and designed to provide students and teachers with fascinating discussion prompts. For more information about how to use the variety of materials on our free site, feel free to contact us.