Cleaning the Ocean
Some years ago, a Dutch teenager named Boyan Slat decided it would be cool to figure out how to remove the massive amounts of plastic that are now polluting the ocean (4:07). His story is one of bold ideas, setbacks, and the resilient pursuit of a goal.
It is difficult to develop an idea that can address a big problem. It is difficult to listen to the criticism of those who don’t like your idea. It is difficult to fail and to try again. Learning that you can overcome difficulties, however, can give you the strength and insight needed to succeed in powerful and meaningful ways.
What ideas do you have that might address a big problem in your community? Are you willing to put in the work to figure out what can come from your idea? Can you learn from the criticism of others without letting that criticism lead you to quit?
Take time to talk about the challenges your community faces. What has been tried before? What do others say is the reason it didn’t work? Can you and others at your school come up with a new approach?
(If you are interested in a more technical explanation of how Slat’s system works, watch this video from The Ocean Cleanup (2:32).)
video: Boyan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup Rid the Seas of Plastic from PMI on (4:07)
The NVIV (Next Vista Inspiring Video) series of posts are written by Rushton Hurley and designed to provide students and teachers with fascinating discussion prompts. For more information about how to use the variety of materials on our free site, feel free to contact us.