Dancing with Trash
You might think of art as a painting in a museum, or a sculpture in a town square, or a group of ballet dancers.
You probably wouldn’t think of trash trucks.
In this trailer, though, you get a glimpse of a movie about an artist who decided that dance and people who handle trash might be a good combination.
What different reactions do you have watching this trailer? Do you think of honoring those rarely honored? Do racial themes come to mind? Do you see enough to believe that something beautiful happens in this story? If so, what?
Trash Dance Official Theatrical Trailer (2013) – Documentary HD by Movieclips Indie on YouTube (2:26)
The NVIV (Next Vista Inspiring Videos) series of posts is written by Rushton Hurley and designed to provide students and teachers with fascinating discussion prompts. For more information about how to use the variety of materials on our free site, feel free to contact us.