Seeing Through Another’s Eyes
The comedian Robin Williams once said, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”
In this story about empathy from the Cleveland Clinic, the idea of knowing what is on the forefront of so many people’s minds is portrayed very powerfully. It calls us to consider what we don’t know when we interact with others.
If someone says something to you that you don’t like, how would you normally respond?Â
If that person were dealing with something like the people in the video are dealing with, would you respond differently?
How can you know?
Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care by Cleveland Clinic on YouTube (4:23)
The NVIV (Next Vista Inspiring Videos) series of posts are written by Rushton Hurley and designed to provide students and teachers with fascinating discussion prompts. For more information about how to use the variety of materials on our free site, feel free to contact us