The Silent Dance
To dance is to express oneself, and you have likely seen many kinds of dances in many different settings, set to many different kinds of music.
But what if you can’t hear the music? What if the musicians can’t see the dancers?
Pick anything you love to do. How might you approach doing that if you couldn’t see or hear?
What do you imagine yourself incapable of doing now? Might there be a way to make it happen? If so, what would you need? Why not try?
The more unlikely it seems, the cooler it is if you make it work.
Dancing Without Sound, Performing Without Sight by Great Big Story on YouTube (3:19)
The NVIV (Next Vista Inspiring Videos) series of posts is written by Rushton Hurley and designed to provide students and teachers with fascinating discussion prompts. For more information about how to use the variety of materials on our free site, feel free to contact us.