Rules: Service via Video Project
Ready to enter? Here's what to do:
- The first rule is to follow all the rules. If any of the rules are ignored, your video cannot be one of the finalists, though it might still be added to the library.
- No content in the video should be inappropriate for students as young as 6 years old.
- The video can be no longer than the time limit (for this contest, 2 minutes). You may use up to another 60 seconds for credits.
- Follow the VERY specific rules related to the use of media (images, footage, audio, etc.). Any image or music used in the video must be your own work or taken from one of the websites listed on the Sources And Citations page.
- All media used must be properly cited in credits at the end. We provide specific instructions for each type of media and a format for citations.
- Because these videos will be posted in the online library at, you will need release forms for anyone identifiable** appearing in the video. In the submission, you will assure us that these forms have been filled out and that you have given them to your teacher/advisor. Failing to do this may disqualify your video from the contest. You may use release forms we make available if your club or school does not already have something similar related to content posted online.
- One may enter as many videos as one wishes, but each one will require a separate entry form.
- Videos eligible for the finalist round will be scored using these scoring guidelines.
** = "Identifiable" for project purposes means that one has appeared on camera for longer than 1-2 seconds and either has spoken or has been addressed. Videos for this project can be made without having people identifiable.